THOMAS Automotive pilot case*:

THOMAS aims to address the impact of kitting in the actual production. Introducing kitting type distribution will allow workers to concentrate on more creative and stimulating tasks, but on the other hand, will introduce significant technical challenges for operations to be robotized.

This  use case will be focused on the Dashboard assembly tasks and will aim to introduce the THOMAS MRP system demonstrating assembly functionalities:

  • Ability to track and follow the Dashboard on the MPP while it is being transported
  • Ability to pick parts from the kit on the MPP using the perception modules
  • Ability to realize assembly operations (insertion, screwing, inspection) with precision

These tasks are typical assembly tasks that can be found in many automotive factories.


THOMAS Aeronautics pilot case*:

The main goal of this use case is to demonstrate a mobile robot system executing collaborative manufacturing tasks between robots and human operators during the manufacturing of aircraft components. Using the onboard perception the robot will have to accomplish three different types of tasks: a) Drilling, b) Riveting height inspection of an aeronautical structure and c) Paint sanding operation.




* The pilot cases description is based on the Definition of Work (DoW) material. Upon the final definition of the scenarios on M06 of the project, the description will be update.